About Us

Indian Resource And Development Association (IRADA)  is a not-for-profit NGO engaged in popularization and promotion of science and developing scientific temper in the society, children and youth in particular. It is a unique organization of its type in this part of India. IRADA’s aim is to be a “People Education Project” and to spread education and Science & health awareness among the rural masses. It envisages reaching out to people in their villages and provide them an opportunity to know and learn through various programmes such as exhibitions, slide/film shows, question –answer sessions, scientific experiments workshops, lectures etc. covering subjects like personal and social hygiene, social awareness, ecology and environment and development of scientific attitude and temper, schools children form the core target audience and emphasis is on developing a scientific temper within them.

Experience & Our Work

Our Mission

"To inspire and educate communities through innovative scientific outreach and education programs, providing hands-on learning experiences and resources that promote scientific literacy, critical thinking, and sustainable development. We aim to bridge the gap between science and society, making science accessible and relevant to everyday life, particularly in underserved regions."

Our Vision

"To empower communities through accessible and engaging scientific education, fostering a culture of curiosity, innovation, and sustainable development."

Our Impact

Students Motivated
0 +
Resource Persons
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Our Mission

"To inspire and educate communities through innovative scientific outreach and education programs, providing hands-on learning experiences and resources that promote scientific literacy, critical thinking, and sustainable development. We aim to bridge the gap between science and society, making science accessible and relevant to everyday life, particularly in underserved regions."

Our Vision

"To empower communities through accessible and engaging scientific education, fostering a culture of curiosity, innovation, and sustainable development."

Latest Activites

Awards / Honours Received

Photo Gallery


Video Gallery

Stem Bike

Science on Wheel (A Science Awareness Programme) programme is to promote Science, Technology Engineering, and Mathematics education through development of logic, systematic observation and hands-on experimentation. It seeks to make learning science an enjoyable experience, help students learn analytical thinking and encourage them to question the world around them. It also aims to encourage the teachers to follow a learner-centric teaching-learning process and use experimental techniques of learning science, technology, engineering and Mathematics.

Supporters & Involvements

About Us

Indian Resource And Development Association (IRADA)  is a not-for-profit NGO engaged in popularization and promotion of science and developing scientific temper in the society, children and youth in particular.

Get In Touch
Address: Dhand Road, Kurukshetra, India, Haryana Phone: +91 9466290732 Email: irada.association@gmail.com
Our Activites
  • Science Mela